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Health Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental Implants Las Vegas look, feel, and function like your natural teeth. They also provide a host of health benefits not offered by alternative tooth replacement options such as dentures.

Patients who wish to undergo implant surgery must be in good general health and have sufficient bone mass to support the implants. Uncontrolled chronic conditions, such as diabetes and cancer, may slow healing.

Dental implants fuse with the bone via a process known as osseointegration. This allows them to perform the function of a tooth’s root and stimulate the bone to maintain its density. This prevents the bone resorption that occurs when a natural tooth is lost.

This is the main reason why it’s crucial to replace a missing tooth as soon as possible. If left untreated, the jawbone will continue to resorb and lose density, causing the remaining teeth to become loose or fall out.

In general, implant failure is rare, especially if the patient follows the dentist’s instructions. The most common reasons for failure include poor oral hygiene, smoking, and a chronic illness that interferes with healing after surgery. In some cases, a bone graft may be required. These procedures can be performed during the same procedure as your implant.

One of the primary benefits of dental implants is that they preserve the health of surrounding teeth. Dental implants fuse into, or onto, the jawbone through a process known as osseointegration. This creates a stable base for the tooth restoration, helping prevent adjacent teeth from shifting into the gap left by missing teeth.

It is incredibly rare for dental implants to shift, but when it does occur it could be a sign of a serious problem. For example, shifting may indicate that the implant has developed a condition called peri-implantitis, which is a severe infection.

Fortunately, the team at Dental has several treatment options for shifting dental implants. In the meantime, patients can prevent shifting by exercising, avoiding grinding their teeth and practicing good oral hygiene. This will help them maintain a beautiful and healthy smile.

The titanium material that dental implants are made from is biocompatible, which means your body treats it just like a natural tooth root. This encourages a process called osseointegration, where the bone and implant fuse together to create a strong foundation for new replacement teeth.

Unlike dentures, dental implants replace the entire tooth structure, preventing shifting of other teeth and resorption of jawbone. They also prevent a sunken look in the face and help restore a normal bite, which reduces or eliminates TMJ symptoms.

Dental implants are highly successful if the patient follows the oral surgeon’s instructions and maintains proper dental hygiene. However, there are some chronic conditions that can interfere with healing and osseointegration, such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, long-term steroid use, and neurological conditions like multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease. In addition, smoking and certain medications can slow or prevent fusion.

Missing teeth lead to the gradual deterioration of the jaw bone. This results in a sunken facial appearance that can be very unattractive. The old fashioned dentures only accelerate this process because they are not held in place with anything other than the gum tissue. The dental implant, on the other hand, stimulates the bone to keep it dense and healthy.

Dental implants consist of a small titanium or zirconia post that is inserted into the jawbone in place of the tooth’s root. The dentist then attaches a replacement tooth called a crown to the post.

Dental implants have a success rate of up to 98% with proper care. However, they are not recommended for people with chronic conditions that impede healing such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, long-term steroid use and head or neck radiation therapy.

Clenching and grinding of the teeth is known to damage natural and artificial teeth. This parafunctional habit, also known as bruxism, can cause cracks in porcelain restorations and dental implants. To prevent this from happening, patients must carefully manage clenching.

Managing clenching is possible by wearing acrylic occlusal splints, which are custom-made for each patient and help to spread the force of clenching across the upper and lower teeth. These splints can help to reduce stress and prevent damage to the jaw joints, which in turn will protect the dental implant and other natural teeth.

Bruxism does not automatically exclude patients from getting dental implants, but it is important to have this problem managed before beginning the treatment. This will ensure that the replacement teeth look and function like natural teeth. This will also decrease the risk of implant failure.

Dental implants fuse with, or onto, your jawbone to function like real teeth. They prevent shifting and the collapse of adjacent teeth that results from missing or crooked teeth, as well as gum disease. They also reduce stress on your remaining natural teeth, preventing them from grinding or drifting into the open space.

Gum disease is caused by bacteria in dental plaque, a sticky film that constantly forms on our teeth. Brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and visiting your dentist regularly are the best ways to prevent gum disease around your dental implants.

Gum disease and other chronic conditions, such as smoking or uncontrolled diabetes, can impede the healing process and reduce implant success rates. Aria dentists help patients manage these risk factors to ensure a positive outcome for their dental implants. Patients should also follow a healthy diet to ensure good oral health.

Dental implants are a tooth replacement treatment that looks and feels like a natural tooth. They’re also a safe and long-lasting alternative to dentures.

Tooth decay is caused by bacteria that secrete acids that erode enamel over time. The restoration on your dental implant is made out of porcelain, which is much more resistant to acid erosion than natural teeth.

Dental implants fuse into the jawbone, serving as artificial tooth roots. These root-like structures keep your jawbone healthy and strong, preventing the bone loss associated with missing teeth. They also prevent the adjacent teeth from shifting into the gap, which can cause problems with your bite and chewing. They also help preserve the shape of your face. Dental implants are one of the safest tooth replacement options available today.

Dental implants are artificial tooth replacements, so they are not susceptible to decay or infection like natural teeth. However, they can be subject to infections caused by poor oral hygiene. This may lead to the accumulation of bacteria around the implant, causing bad breath.

In addition, food can get trapped under and around the implant. This can also contribute to halitosis. To avoid this, brush and floss regularly, use a mouthwash with antiseptic properties, and visit the dentist for regular cleanings.

Infections that result in bad breath from dental implants can be easily treated if caught early on. This can include dental cleaning to remove the bacteria, specialized mouthwash, or antibiotics. If the infection is severe, it may require surgery to remove the implant and restore proper oral health. Infections can be avoided by practicing good oral hygiene, avoiding smoking, and visiting the dentist for regular checkups.

While dental implants do not have nerves, they can still cause sensitivity in the surrounding teeth. This sensitivity is usually a warning sign and should be addressed by your dentist as soon as possible. This will prevent complications that could be much more painful and costly to fix.

There are several reasons for implant sensitivity. One reason is gum recession, which can expose the root of a tooth to pressure and cold temperatures. Another is poor bite alignment, which can increase pressure on the surrounding teeth.

A thorough oral hygiene regimen and regular dental checkups will prevent these problems. In addition, using desensitizing toothpaste can help reduce sensitivity. In case of a problem, you should contact your dentist immediately to avoid further damage to the surrounding teeth and face. In most cases, a timely visit will resolve the problem quickly and cost-effectively.

Unlike other tooth restoration options that place stress on the healthy teeth adjacent to the gap in your smile, dental implants preserve and protect those natural teeth. They also provide the necessary stimulation to prevent bone deterioration.

A missing tooth causes the density of the jaw bone to decrease and eventually erode, which can have an effect on your remaining teeth as well as your ability to speak and chew. Dental implants stop this destructive cycle, preventing further tooth loss and preserving the health of your jaw and your remaining teeth.

You may require a bone graft or sinus lift before receiving a dental implant if you have significant bone loss. However, once your implant heals and you maintain good oral hygiene practices, you’ll find that your implants are indistinguishable from your other teeth. You’ll even enjoy better, more comfortable eating.